Presenting UltraARC for Inno Setup
What does the program do? This program allows you split freearc, 7-Zip and winrar archives in so that they may be able to fit in media or volume output of your choice, CD700s, DVD5s, DVD9s, BRD25s, BRD50s, doesn't matter, it will fit. Changes Added simple page for quick users Added multiple source support Added split option Fixed Joliet ISO Image creation for files larger than 680MB Updated Self extracting executable Removed Crunch Texture (I wonder why I added it in the first place) Compression level 0 is Freearc no compression Compression level 1 is WinRAR fastest compression Compression level 2 is 7-Zip normal compression Compression level 3 is WinRAR best compression Compression level 4 is 7-Zip ultra compression Compression level 5 is Freearc with Srep, Delta, Exe and LZMA Compression Compression level x is Freearc with Precomp, MSC, Srep, Delta, Exe and LZMA Compression Distribution is ideal for making one compression but support any media the user chooses. For example, users can just select DVD9 or CD700 for GTA V, just depends on what the user has, so no one is forced to buy BRDs to make the conversion because some of us still don't have BR-RW Running Windows 8, set Compatability mode for Win7, as reported here: http://www.fileforums.com/showpost.p...3&postcount=27 Added Inno Setup Enhanced Unicode for users to compile Edit UltraARC.ini for DVD5 or DVD9 Sizes. DVD5 [Split] FirstVolumeSize=**** CustomVolumeSize=4480 ThresholdPercent=30 DVD9 [Split] FirstVolumeSize=**** CustomVolumeSize=7950 ThresholdPercent=30> BD25 [Spilt] FirstVolumeSize=**** CustomVolumeSize=23500 ThresholdPercent=30> To Calculate FirstVolumeSize , CustomVolumeSize - ( Everything in FIRST Output folder) pakrat2k2 Precompressor: ZTool (pLzo pZstd pLz4 pZlib) By Razor12911 pZLib By Razor12911 AFR (Anvil Forge Recompressor) By Edison007 PrecompMT 0.46 By Razor12911 LZ77 Preprocessor: SuperREP 3.92 By Bulat Ziganshin Media Compression: Media Streams Compressor v0.0.6.4 By ProFrager MPZ Slimmer API (MP3 Lossless Compression) Lossless Data Compression: FAZIP 0.3 (FreeARC LZMA) 7z (XZ) v17.01 By Igor Pavlov Zstandard v1.3.2 By Yann Collet RAZOR Archiver 1.01 By Christian Changes: UA.sfx works with all methods. pZLib3, ZTool has been optimized. Latest UltraARC Version see this post https://www.fileforums.com/showpost....postcount=1135 Last edited by pakrat2k2; 12-12-2018 at 18:46. Reason: added NEW UltraARC 2900 R5, removed old files |
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-RAGE- (29-09-2016), -XCX- (25-01-2017), 0xffaded (10-06-2017), 78372 (21-04-2017), 91bulent91 (21-11-2015), 9lasser (02-05-2018), Abbat (22-12-2017), ADMIRAL (21-05-2020), adnimistator (19-01-2016), akane1349 (19-08-2017), alaminnishat (10-03-2015), Alash Als (03-03-2015), aleison (28-03-2017), alexachu (27-01-2019), alfreire (24-05-2016), ALiAS2015 (17-06-2015), altef_4 (29-01-2015), amgad_800 (06-02-2015), amine12016 (14-07-2016), anb1142 (23-04-2019), Andrey167 (29-01-2015), Aneeskhan (19-08-2016), anothergeek (04-08-2018), anton luki (25-08-2015), aristoclates (18-06-2015), arkantos7 (29-01-2015), aydy (29-07-2015), Baladewa (14-12-2015), Behnam2018 (28-01-2020), Beliathal (04-08-2021), Bilawal (10-04-2015), Black_Angel_Kjh (18-11-2015), Blu3melt (08-09-2018), Blue-D (07-08-2016), bRIanYamiL (02-08-2015), Carldric Clement (29-01-2015), Christsnatcher (23-05-2017), ChronoCross (28-01-2015), chuotchu001 (16-03-2015), clagby (09-05-2015), Compiler (03-03-2015), confederate (09-01-2019), COPyCAT (13-02-2015), correntino (23-09-2017), dadasalam (08-11-2015), DarkSyrius (06-09-2015), dave22 (25-05-2016), DjLucky (26-04-2015), dogyutz (04-06-2015), EIDO7 (24-04-2015), elbubi (22-05-2015), Epic Titan 69 (05-03-2021), ERRORXPCW (21-06-2019), Evil_1993 (25-09-2020), EyeSalt (02-03-2018), EzzEldin16 (10-11-2016), FabyGaming (28-02-2017), felix1788 (26-04-2015), flaek1337 (20-09-2017), foo8088 (17-03-2015), FoRMaT-2007 (15-06-2019), Galford (03-03-2015), Gamer009 (30-04-2015), GBT repack (28-05-2015), GheyLord (18-11-2015), giothothan (22-05-2019), Grehg (12-06-2017), Grumpy (27-04-2017), GTX590 (01-04-2016), gurcu87 (25-06-2017), hackjack (25-08-2015), Harsh ojha (28-01-2020), Hiereus (08-03-2018), Hirbod (09-06-2020), hmou1 (29-03-2020), houcine80 (30-01-2015), itechyboy (19-12-2020), ivanlakersss666 (08-04-2015), JRD! (21-12-2017), JustFun (11-09-2015), K3V1991 (23-07-2018), K4miKaZe (27-09-2018), Karekas (10-03-2023), kassane (29-01-2015), Kobi Blade (21-08-2017), kokousic (25-07-2017), langeoigen (14-09-2019), lhanz678 (08-04-2015), Lin Ming (01-07-2017), Lingtons (09-12-2018), LucaDante82 (30-05-2020), lugard (14-04-2016), Macke (20-05-2015), MagixZ (12-03-2019), MALICK GM (31-05-2017), mamed3000 (16-09-2015), mausschieber (29-01-2015), MDA (15-02-2019), Meireles Silva (15-12-2016), mertderler (02-07-2015), mgeek (10-11-2020), Mhenlo (24-09-2017), MMR (20-05-2021), MOSTAPHA_VIP (04-05-2017), mrcunbeo (24-06-2015), Mrrrr (01-07-2016), nasir ahmad (11-04-2016), nemesis8 (20-12-2018), nickwazhere2012 (18-12-2017), NickX700K (01-05-2019), oltjon (29-01-2015), omdj (07-02-2015), oo7 (08-10-2021), pakrat2k2 (28-02-2015), panker1992 (31-01-2016), pat81 (13-06-2020), pebe (05-04-2015), Peeping_John (15-05-2021), pinciof (21-06-2018), Prettyboy099 (28-04-2020), Proxson (15-01-2018), PsYcHo_RaGE (02-03-2018), punchao (24-04-2015), pXy6HZ1rxf (12-03-2018), quake4 (05-04-2015), rakeshbro (31-08-2018), rambohazard (08-09-2016), razor7665 (10-04-2015), reqs (21-08-2018), resck (16-03-2019), rez3vil (05-10-2016), Riaz (19-05-2016), RigelOrionis (01-12-2017), rohandebroy (15-05-2017), Rolelu23 (25-05-2015), romulus_ut3 (08-08-2015), sajmon83 (11-06-2017), sakila(playboy) (30-01-2020), SAM2712 (20-04-2015), SamBurgy (03-04-2019), Sarvagya (04-03-2015), sathex (27-06-2019), Sculpture (14-03-2015), Shadow Delta (22-04-2015), Shaer (14-09-2018), Siber Pro (29-01-2017), Simorq (30-01-2015), sirshi007 (10-08-2018), Slippy (15-09-2017), sniper122 (03-10-2017), Sonansyach_10 (21-12-2017), Sony091090 (05-10-2016), Souvik Giri (28-01-2015), STB13 (12-03-2018), Stor31 (17-02-2015), SunLion (31-07-2018), supernoro (24-06-2017), tanatos (21-03-2015), Th3Raven (13-03-2018), TheGeekyGamer (05-07-2018), The_Boss (15-01-2018), Titeuf (24-06-2017), toddy_adt (22-11-2019), toto621 (28-07-2015), truerepacks (27-07-2015), urbanman2004 (16-06-2015), Virus_Inc (31-03-2017), vLaDv (24-11-2018), WearingThePurple (18-03-2021), wit (30-09-2015), WLen (18-09-2021), Xaelin (23-03-2016), xstylizer (10-05-2018), yasserdivar (16-09-2015), y_thelastknight (19-05-2015), Zanoza79 (17-09-2019), ZAZA4EVER (13-10-2018), Zeibe (09-03-2015), zirkhaki (30-03-2016) |
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CI and CIU UltraARC Implementation.
CIU Versions CI8574, 1006, 1014, 2030, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038 have now been updated January 17, 2017. Use Base files ( without -Jan17.2017 in the name) Many thanks to Razor12911 who took time from his studies/exams to update all the scripts. ![]() Use CIU2038-Jan17.2017_Fixed.rar, compiling errors FIXED Uploaded FIXED CIU2037 ISS script 2037_Fix-Feb01.2017.rar Last edited by pakrat2k2; 01-02-2017 at 21:27. |
The Following 33 Users Say Thank You to Razor12911 For This Useful Post: | ||
0xffaded (10-06-2017), 1MALKAVIAN (02-09-2016), arkantos7 (04-02-2015), Behnam2018 (29-01-2020), COPyCAT (06-03-2017), DarkSyrius (14-03-2016), Edward_Newgate (25-08-2020), EzzEldin16 (10-11-2016), flaek1337 (20-09-2017), Grumpy (17-01-2017), GTX590 (14-06-2016), gurcu87 (25-06-2017), houcine80 (30-01-2015), kokousic (21-07-2017), lhanz678 (01-05-2015), lugard (14-04-2016), mamed3000 (16-09-2015), mausschieber (29-01-2015), mgeek (10-11-2020), nasir ahmad (11-04-2016), nemesis8 (22-07-2016), NickX700K (28-04-2019), omdj (28-02-2015), pat81 (13-06-2020), resck (16-03-2019), Shadow Delta (22-04-2015), Simorq (29-01-2015), Stor31 (01-05-2015), tanatos (21-03-2015), The_Boss (15-01-2018), Virus_Inc (31-03-2017), yasserdivar (17-09-2015), zirkhaki (12-04-2016) |
I almost forgot to mention, setting smaller thresholds is essential for disk space for both compression and installation. (But not too small, you will end up with something like data553.cab.part69)
But sometimes, you won't have a choice because threshold is sometimes controlled by the program, this only happens when you have set a smaller threshold than the biggest file size in a selected directory Last edited by Razor12911; 29-01-2015 at 08:41. |
The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Razor12911 For This Useful Post: | ||
amgad_800 (01-03-2015), Behnam2018 (29-01-2020), Edward_Newgate (25-08-2020), EzzEldin16 (22-09-2017), mamed3000 (17-09-2015), omdj (28-02-2015), pakrat2k2 (29-01-2015), Simorq (28-06-2015) |
R.G. Mechanics UltraARC Support
Last edited by Razor12911; 03-01-2016 at 08:17. |
The Following 24 Users Say Thank You to Razor12911 For This Useful Post: | ||
Adonix (25-02-2015), amgad_800 (01-03-2015), Andrey167 (23-02-2015), arkantos7 (23-02-2015), Behnam2018 (29-01-2020), Bilawal (16-03-2015), COPyCAT (06-03-2017), flaek1337 (20-09-2017), mamed3000 (17-09-2015), mausschieber (22-02-2015), nasir ahmad (11-04-2016), nemesis8 (20-12-2018), nickwazhere2012 (18-12-2017), NickX700K (28-04-2019), oltjon (19-11-2016), omdj (22-02-2015), pakrat2k2 (27-02-2015), pas204 (26-09-2016), pat81 (13-06-2020), punchao (26-04-2015), Simorq (28-02-2015), Stor31 (16-01-2016), yasserdivar (16-09-2015), zirkhaki (11-08-2016) |
BlackBox UltraARC Support
The Following 25 Users Say Thank You to Razor12911 For This Useful Post: | ||
amgad_800 (01-03-2015), Andrey167 (28-02-2015), arkantos7 (01-03-2015), Bilawal (16-03-2015), COPyCAT (25-10-2015), Edward_Newgate (25-08-2020), EzzEldin16 (26-09-2017), flaek1337 (20-09-2017), GTX590 (08-10-2018), jojoyo69 (20-01-2022), mamed3000 (17-09-2015), nasir ahmad (11-04-2016), nemesis8 (20-12-2018), nickwazhere2012 (18-12-2017), Noname1966 (05-12-2024), omdj (27-02-2015), oo7 (06-09-2020), pakrat2k2 (27-02-2015), pat81 (13-06-2020), punchao (26-04-2015), ramydarkness (19-03-2022), sanekbest1 (23-04-2022), Simorq (28-02-2015), yasserdivar (16-09-2015), zirkhaki (11-08-2016) |
IBlack UltraARC Support
Last edited by Razor12911; 09-04-2015 at 17:29. |
The Following 19 Users Say Thank You to Razor12911 For This Useful Post: | ||
amgad_800 (01-03-2015), Andrey167 (28-02-2015), arkantos7 (01-03-2015), Bilawal (16-03-2015), COPyCAT (25-10-2015), Edward_Newgate (25-08-2020), hackmac89 (08-04-2017), lugard (15-04-2016), mamed3000 (17-09-2015), nasir ahmad (11-04-2016), nemesis8 (20-12-2018), omdj (27-02-2015), pakrat2k2 (27-02-2015), pat81 (13-06-2020), punchao (26-04-2015), Simorq (28-02-2015), The_Boss (25-11-2018), yasserdivar (16-09-2015), zirkhaki (11-08-2016) |
Metro UI UltraARC Support
Last edited by Razor12911; 09-04-2015 at 17:30. |
The Following 22 Users Say Thank You to Razor12911 For This Useful Post: | ||
amgad_800 (01-03-2015), Andrey167 (28-02-2015), Bilawal (16-03-2015), hackmac89 (08-04-2017), Harsh ojha (04-07-2019), ImmortalArc (20-11-2016), lugard (30-04-2016), mamed3000 (17-09-2015), mausschieber (27-02-2015), nasir ahmad (11-04-2016), nemesis8 (20-12-2018), omdj (27-02-2015), pakrat2k2 (27-02-2015), pat81 (13-06-2020), punchao (26-04-2015), Siber Pro (29-01-2017), Simorq (28-02-2015), The_Boss (25-11-2018), xstylizer (10-05-2018), yasserdivar (16-09-2015), Zeibe (07-04-2015), zirkhaki (11-08-2016) |
UltraARC 2.2 now available for Download
Changes Fixed bugs, Fixed bugs, again fixed bugs. Added WinRAR support Added SevenZIP support and etc. |
The Following 23 Users Say Thank You to Razor12911 For This Useful Post: | ||
0xffaded (10-06-2017), AliReZAx1785 (13-12-2018), altef_4 (27-02-2015), amgad_800 (01-03-2015), COPyCAT (18-08-2015), Danik1B9 (30-04-2017), EzzEldin16 (26-09-2017), Galford (17-04-2015), houcine80 (01-03-2015), mamed3000 (16-09-2015), mausschieber (27-02-2015), mrcunbeo (27-02-2015), nasir ahmad (11-04-2016), omdj (27-02-2015), pakrat2k2 (27-02-2015), Siber Pro (29-01-2017), Simorq (28-02-2015), Tohami (08-04-2020), vLaDv (24-11-2018), whisky (14-07-2016), YOMERO1530 (17-03-2015), Zeibe (11-03-2015), zirkhaki (30-03-2016) |
hello, what about WPI bro ?
![]() --------------------------------------------------- sorry, i dont know what "threshold percent" means.... Can you explaint please? ![]() ---------------------------------------------------- excuse me, these three: BlackBox Support, BB Glass Support, RG Mehaniki Support SO hard to understand the scripts ![]() i dont where i can write the address of archive can you make this more clearly just like WPI down here? "Precomp=0.42 Archive1Type=Freearc Archive1Source={src}\setup1.bin Archive1Output={app} Archive1Disk=1 Archive1Password=" Last edited by pakrat2k2; 28-02-2015 at 07:24. Reason: cleanup, old version posts |
The Following User Says Thank You to mrcunbeo For This Useful Post: | ||
amgad_800 (01-03-2015) |
Wpi and glass will get it soon.
Threshold percent explanation is in the instructions. For writing the addresses, relate to inno setup constants, {src} is the source directory. |
cleaned up topic & removed all posts regarding issues with previous versions.
Problem found using 2.2 version...
conversion starts and almost finishes and you get this ![]() |
razor bro can i import my own files list
The Following User Says Thank You to gatosky1620 For This Useful Post: | ||
romulus_ut3 (04-12-2015) |
^^ no it cant import file lists. That's was one main reason for creating this, no longer needed to take the time & hassle of creating lists, it does it automatically for you. All you need to do is create your images, for the installer.
as well as that issue, it no longer skips any unins* files in the gamefolder. Last edited by pakrat2k2; 28-02-2015 at 14:39. |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
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