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Old 21-06-2020, 12:40
ps5haznogamez ps5haznogamez is offline
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Exclamation Is there an easy installer on here that allows the user to select what they want?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but does anyone know any installer that is posted on here that allows the user to select what game (or games) to install? I am planning on making a repack that has a collection of games from a certain series.

Also, what is the best compressor for games from the late 90s to mid 2000s? The Razor compressor on here is pretty slow, and doesn't work for me, even on the smallest of games. (I don't know if its because of my processor, but I have a Ryzen 1700x and it took forever to try to compress a 2 GB game.) Is there a compressor that is good for the era of games I said above?

I have been using FreeArc, but nothing else added on to that, I don't know how to do that.
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Old 22-06-2020, 00:01
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Masquerade Masquerade is offline
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You can use ASIS to have a selection of components that you can selectively install (in this case your game collection).

Razor is good, but slow.

To speed it up, you can use PMT or RazorX - because by default, Razor isn't multithreaded so only 1 thread is used. By the use of these addon tools, it drastically improves the speed of razor.


On the other hand, you can use srep+lolz - lolz is superior to razor in a vast majority of scenarios. Use srep to remove duplicates.

To add these to your compressor, you need arc.exe from your freearc installation, and arc.ini

Grab the compressors of your choice, I'll use srep as an example, and write them into arc.ini.

So we have srep64.exe - put this into an empty folder along with arc.exe and arc.ini.

Open arc.ini and write the following:

[External Compressor:srep]
header = 0
packcmd = srep64.exe -m3f $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp
Red = the name of the compressor, this is what we'll use to tell Arc.exe what to use to compress your data.

Green = the pack command, this tells Arc.exe how to execute srep64.exe and how to compress your data. We write this based on which options each compressor has. You can see this by opening a command window and running the compressor to see which options it has. Some tools (like oo2rec) don't print a console output, so use the example arc.ini given with it.

Blue = the In/Out files. These are always required in a packcmd so Arc.exe knows where to take data from and where to put the compressed data. Some compressors support stdin/stdout (referred to as stdio) which basically does the same thing as $$arc.

Now that the adding of compressors is explained, we can mive onto actually compresding your data.

We open a command window in your folder, and type:

arc.exe a -w.\Temp -msrep "Out\YourArchiveName.Arc" "In\*"
Here, the "a" switch tells Arc to make a new archive (add files to archive).

The -w switch tells Arc to use a specified Temp folder (in this case, .\Temp is the same folder as Arc.exe). Without this switch, Arc will use the default Windows local temp folder. This is an extremely useful switch to use if you have an SSD as a system drive or if you want to control where the temp data is stored.

-m tells Arc.exe which method to use. Arc already comes with lots of compression methods built in, but it also allows external compressors, which we added above. In this case, we can use -msrep and then add another compressor of your choice. We build methods by using + (-msrep+lolz). You can view lots of methods in the Best Method For Specific Games Index.

Finally, we have the Output folder and archive and the in folder. You will need to create these 2 folders manually and put your data in the In folder to be compressed into the Out folder.

Hopefully that helped you out.
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freearc, installer, repack

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