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Old 11-07-2024, 14:05
Fak Eid Fak Eid is offline
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I have a CustomForm: FCustomFluentWindow on which I have a 'browse' button for Directory change. When I click on it, I have DirBrowseDlg: FFLuentDirBrowse, which keeps flickering. The reason it is flickering is because the CustomForm is still open. If I close that CustomForm, the flickering stop.

@Blackfire, please acknowledge this issue to either fix it, or as a workaround I'm closing the CustomForm when 'Browse' button is clicked, but want Custom.Show after the user clicks on 'Ok'/'Cancel' on DirBrowseDlg. Can anybody help me with code snippet?

I might need
procedure ButtonOnMouseClick(ButtonIndex: Integer; Event: TNotifyEvent);
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