Original Posts have been updated
Simple Installer Update
- FMXInno Updated to latest
- Implemented changes with FNewINI
- Implemented DSG compatibilty
- Implemented better error handling
- 2 AppExes supported, 2 Redist supported
- No Limit on Data file, just update it from Installer.ini
- Automation Tools upgraded
- Installer.ini can accept Yes/No (Non-case sensitive) values instead of boolean (0,1) for UseDSG parameter
- Removed some dependency and wrote
custom logic for defining preprocessor values. Also, Removed 100 lines of reduntant code
- Upgraded UI based on latest FMXInno upgrades
Steam Limitless Update
- You can have limitless Redist, Additional Components and Languages without making any changes to Script. Just update Installer.ini. Tested with up till 50, to not abuse resources.
- Implemented ScrollBars for Redist, Components, Langauages section in case they are more than 8
- Implemented changes for space required when adding/removing components
- Bug fixed to terminate installation when required Data file is missing.
- Optimized and enhanced bulkified code.
- Installer.ini can accept Yes/No (Non-case sensitive) values instead of boolean (0,1) for UseDSG parameter
- Removed some dependency and wrote
custom logic for defining preprocessor values
More upgrade will follow if @Blackfire69 could implement
requested features
Unlocking Limitless Ability: Changes involved in Main.iss
- If you want to increase the AppExe, just make changes to the section in Img1 like:
Name: "{group}\{code:GetShortcutData|AppExe5|ShortcutName}"; Filename: "{app}\{code:GetShortcutData|AppExe5|PathName}"; Parameters: "{app}\{code:GetShortcutData|AppExe5|Parameters}"; Flags: createonlyiffileexists; Check: CreateStartMenuShortcuts
Name: "{commondesktop}\{code:GetShortcutData|AppExe5|ShortcutName}"; Filename: "{app}\{code:GetShortcutData|AppExe5|PathName}"; Parameters: "{app}\{code:GetShortcutData|AppExe5|Parameters}"; Flags: createonlyiffileexists; Check: CreateDesktopShortcuts
and so on...
- If you want to increase the Redist, Component, Language counts, just increase the values mentioned in Img2:
Added Automation in attachment to import all your tools