Thread: DiskSpan GUI
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Old 17-06-2024, 06:02
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Originally Posted by Fak Eid View Post
Hi Cesar82,

I'm currently working on a repack and would request to either know, or if you could create this feature for DSG?

Scenario: The following compression were not done via DSG. So,
I had Data-01 compressed using mzlib+srep+lolz
I had Data-02 compressed using bk2.
I had Data-03 compressed using kraken.

Now I want to decompress this data. I want the Setup.dll to include files required for decompression which would include oodle, bk2, mzlib, srep and lolz files. So, I go to DSG and select the methods and create the Setup.dll. Is it possible?

Let me know if you want me to refine the requirement more or help you understand.
It's possible, but you'll need to change some things manually.
Firstly, do you need to review the kraken method (Would it be xtool:mkraken)?

Then you will need to access the group of tools in the DSG's TOOLS button in the "Setup DLL" tab.
The correct thing to do is first of all to open your Data#.bin with FreeArc and go to "INFO" > "Solid Blocks" tab to know exactly the name of the methods used.
Within the "Setup DLL" tab of the DSG, access the "Maker" sub-tab and paste the methods one on each line.
You must know which oodle library is required for your compression, so inform the library using a value ":3" ... ":9" or use the specific version for the library using ":core_x.x.x".

You can uncheck the split and diskspan checkboxes at the bottom of the window if you

The "srep" method will automatically be converted to "srep_new:393c", so it will be necessary to extract Setup.dll (Unpacker sub-tab) after using "Maker" and rename the CLS by removing "_NEW" in the 3 files relating to srep and compressing again Setup.dll ("Packer" subtab).

For some reason the plugin's INI file wasn't added here for me in my testing.
Then simulate a compression to create setup.dll and then unpack it and rename the srep files if necessary and recompress setup.dll
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