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Old 07-08-2012, 10:29
REV0 REV0 is offline
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Q: I'm having TGUID error during Compile. It says 'Error: Unknown type 'TGUID'

S: You're not using correct version of INNO Setup. You must use/download Unicode version and compile the conversion with it.

Q: I'm having TGUID errror during Compile. It says 'Duplicate identifier 'TGUID'

S: You're not using correct version of INNO Setup. You must use/download ANSI version and compile the conversion with it.

Q: I downloaded the conversion, edited path of the game and clicked Compile. It completed in a second and it's not installing the game.

S: Delete the semicolon ( ; ) in front of second line aka #define ProgramFiles and re-compile.

Q: I downloaded the setup and backgrounds/buttons are missing.

S: This is a known bug, i also have this issue time to time. There are multiple solutions:

a) Rename the folder. (Chance of success 75%)
b) Create another folder on desktop, move the content to this folder (Chance of success 100%)

Q: Where can i put video.avi and how to play it ?

S: You will place video.avi/flv in folder. But beware, current CI doesnt support video-backgrounds and music at the same time, so you will watch the same video over and over again during install.

Q: I'm having 'Insert next disk' error in conversion, what should i do ?

S: If you have bin files in conversion and getting this error, open Setup.ini and delete [ExtractSettings] and it's contents.

Q: I'm having 'Insert Disk1 to continue' error, in fact Disk1 is already inserted ?

S: That's because you put 2 or less bin files in the folder. In general every conversion needs 3bin files for each DVDs. You can put 4 or more if you're making DVD9 however, putting less bin files, will result this error.

Last edited by REV0; 17-08-2012 at 09:17.
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