07-08-2012, 10:09
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IIIC. Editing of Used Files in Setup.CAB
Taken from yener90
Autorun folder:
Required files:
Autorun.jpg => Autorun background image
Optional files:
Button.png => Button background image (not selected)
ButtonSelected.png => Button background image (selected)
ButtonClicked.png => Button background image (clicked)
ButtonDisabled.png => Button background image (disabled)
Button.wav => sound if you clicked the button
for getting the next work you need button.png:
ButtonOnMouse.wav => sound if you move the mouse to a button
Background folder: (optional)
1 - unlimited.jpg => background image for installer
example 4 background images Background folder:
1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg
you can also use Flash files as background image
flash.swf => flash file for background
KNOWN BUG: Backgrounds supported 10 images, putting more than 10 images will cause instant skip to latest image.
Setup folder:
Required files:
Installer.jpg => Installer background image
Optional files:
Button.png => Button background image for the big buttons (not selected)
ButtonSelected.png => Button background image for the big buttons (selected)
ButtonClicked.png => Button background image for the big buttons (clicked)
You can also use for the 4 big buttons CUSTOM buttons -> not necessary.
names should be for button2 for example:
Button2.png => Button background image for the big buttons (not selected)
Button2Selected.png => Button background image for the big buttons (selected)
Button2Clicked.png => Button background image for the big buttons (clicked)
Button.wav => sound if you clicked the button
for getting the next work you need button.png:
ButtonOnMouse.wav => sound if you move the mouse to a button
Checkbox.png => checkbox image
Edit.png => image for the background of your game path selection
Flash.swf => Flash animation in setup
logo.png => logo image for installer (and background => look at the options)
logo2.png => logo image for background
music.mp3 => installer music
ProgressBackground.png => progressbar background image
ProgressImg.png => progressbar image
SmallButton.png => Button background image for the small buttons (not selected)
SmallButtonSelected.png => Button background image for the small buttons (selected)
SmallButtonClicked.png => Button background image for the small buttons (clicked)
SmallInstaller.jpg => background of the installer while installing
SmallInstaller.png => dark base for the installer while installing
Splash.png => logo image while starting
TextBg.png => background of the text part of installer
Main - Inside setup.cab
font.ttf => custom font for setup's writings
font2.ttf => custom font for buttons
setup.cjstyles => isskin for setup
cursor.cur => custom cursor for setup
Last edited by REV0; 07-08-2012 at 11:21.