Forum: Conversion Tutorials
15-02-2017, 00:15
Replies: 39
Views: 11,623
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
05-11-2016, 01:03
Replies: 122
Views: 43,663
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
13-10-2016, 05:57
Replies: 1,614
Views: 493,982
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
12-10-2016, 15:00
Replies: 209
Views: 60,614
An overview of changes that I made, I had to...
An overview of changes that I made, I had to rework the multilingual system and management of information of the imported files, ability to set a prefix of archive compressors to revised summer,...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
08-10-2016, 02:43
Replies: 44
Views: 17,208
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
07-10-2016, 03:57
Replies: 7
Views: 2,527
Quick replacement method & modification of external compressors configuration for the FA support.
Quick search inside of the configuration "file*.ini",...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
01-10-2016, 16:28
Replies: 5
Views: 79,599
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
01-10-2016, 09:41
Replies: 209
Views: 60,614
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
30-09-2016, 11:27
Replies: 46
Views: 14,102
Here's CLS, only ran one test.
It shows progress as well.
was a little bit quicker than you. :p
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
28-09-2016, 11:45
Replies: 44
Views: 17,208
Shelwien's Reflate compatible with Freearc
Files needed for compression:
Files needed for decompression:
It's actually slower during compression process than normal.
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
26-09-2016, 06:56
Replies: 36
Views: 13,502
"CmD -Info -Bench v0.06c "
§ New...
"CmD -Info -Bench v0.06c "
§ New recompiling of the structure for any type of compression of audio, image or video(Bink, ffmpeg). §
§ Increased ease and speed of use through direct...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
24-09-2016, 02:32
Replies: 10
Views: 3,884
Shelwein's REFLATE and &7zip
Hey Guys!
Here is a "WORKING PUBLIC" Reflate from SHELWEIN and
a 7zip that support ppmd_sh, plzma, the most important for us REFLATE
+ A working recompressor of any raw...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
23-09-2016, 07:52
Replies: 339
Views: 76,067
Forum: PC Games - CD/DVD Conversions
19-09-2016, 14:48
Replies: 4
Views: 3,614
NBA 2k17
NBA 2K17
* Install game
* Apply no-cd if any
* Download and extract attachment
* Run Converter.exe
* Select game install location and set options then press convert
* Wait for...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
17-09-2016, 18:01
Replies: 512
Views: 214,886
Forum: PC Games - CD/DVD Conversions
17-09-2016, 16:10
Replies: 6
Views: 2,916
Battlefield 4 (?xDVD?)
Battlefield 4
* Install game + updates
* Apply no-cd if any
* Download and extract attachment
* Run Converter.exe
* Select game install location and set options then press...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
19-08-2016, 08:33
Replies: 19
Views: 8,182
Here's CLS version of ZStd, ran some tests, it's fast during compression because no temps are created, also added multi threading feature, it's only effective if you use a high level to compress,...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
23-07-2016, 16:12
Replies: 36
Views: 13,502
(Arrow) Cmd -Info - Bench -Test
§ Quick Information On Help-Info Compressors & Bench-Test With Output Redirection Console §
§ Information Tool And Study & Bench-Test "...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
20-12-2015, 06:51
Replies: 661
Views: 172,596
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
04-11-2015, 13:21
Replies: 106
Views: 34,555
Simple splitting and compress by DLG
" Simple Splitting And Compress by DLG © "
" Compression Methods Fully Configurable From Text "
'Add New Method Compression { Reflate } By Gozarck...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
17-05-2015, 16:12
Replies: 4
Views: 2,729
Inno Setup Task Manager Library
Hi again, I created a useful dll for Inno Setup to handle things that are there in Task Manager and/or Resource Monitor.
function IsExeRunning(exeFileName: PAnsiChar): Boolean;...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
30-03-2015, 01:04
Replies: 5
Views: 79,599
INDEX - Conversion Tutorial Index
Before making a new post, check if there are relevant threads from this list to post in.
Question, Tutorial and Troubleshoot Threads
Speed Up Compression by KaktoR...
Forum: Conversion Tutorials
05-09-2014, 12:04
Replies: 853
Views: 240,225
Windows Phone Installer (WPI)
Windows Phone Installer v3.1
-Inno Setup Enhanced Edition 2 Unicode is required - Download
( based on Windows 8.1, Windows Phone...