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mondragon is on a distinguished road

mondragon mondragon is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 43
  1. Schabik
    01-07-2011 11:56
    Hi, I wanna ask if you can make a vp6install file for unpacking Freearc archives for the sims medival like you had done in The Sims 3 1xDVD
  2. mondragon
    15-09-2009 08:09
    u can try
  3. haazmaaz
    15-09-2009 02:57
    Hi mondragon, can i ask you somequestion ?
  4. mondragon
    14-07-2009 08:59
    original disk dont have data3.cab ? [not remeber if i had this file]

    if original needs data3.cab then u must copy it from disk
    conversion doesnt help you to recover data3.cab

    or u mean something else ?
  5. jayde_drag0n
    13-07-2009 07:48
    err edit.. the dvd9to2xdvd5.bat file which creates the data3.cab file
  6. jayde_drag0n
    13-07-2009 07:43
    i'm hoping you can help.i am desperately trying to get the iscab file working so that it will create the data3.cab file for Fallout 3 from this post http://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=84941
    i am getting the error "Cannot modify cabinet files created with previous versions of InstallShield" what the heck do i do now?
    if it doesn't bother you you can use any chat medium
    AIM: jaydealexander
    y: jayde_drag0n
    msn: jayde_drag0n**********com
    the gist of what i'm trying to do.. i have fallout 3 but somewhere the disk is fubared as i get the "cyclical redundancy error" on data2.cab miraculously i backed up all the disk contents to my external folder.. with no errors. when i try to install it finally got past the data2 error and then whammo.. it needs data3.cab
    thru my google searching prowess i found your post and ferreted out that the iscab file CREATES my very needed cab file which i'm hoping will eradicate my problems and i'll FINALLY be able to play
  7. cybelan
    07-03-2009 04:53
    Major League Baseball 2K9 (DVD9 to 2xDVD5)

    Tanks... o/
  8. Baco
    29-01-2009 08:39
    Con you pass to me your Prince of Persia 2008 ".iss" file?. I´m doing a Spanish 1xDVD5 conversion.
  9. loverpirates
    13-01-2009 09:16
    oreginal? no.. it's came from download. i need to convert it from DVD9 to DVD5 DVD5. cuz dual layer black dics here in philippines so expensive. you can use Generic you can't finish install cuz of poor dual layer. hope you ca help me? thanks again
  10. mondragon
    12-01-2009 10:23
    if u have orginal game - then post contents
    if not thats your problem


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  • Last Activity: 13-06-2015 10:00
  • Join Date: 21-03-2005


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