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REV0 is on a distinguished road

REV0 REV0 is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 46
  1. REV0
    24-08-2013 16:32
    It needs a lot of testing. Frankly, you shouldn't have open the thread without looking the game gatosky, errors in setup are understandable, but people spend time in compressing.
  2. gatosky1620
    24-08-2013 16:22
    Bro do you have any sugestion for the data list and compression method for xcom berau, because i don have the game yet
  3. REV0
    02-05-2013 15:42
    1. Audiomachine - Requiem for the Night

    2. AC3 - Main Theme

    3. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

    4. Peter Gabriel - My Body is A Cage
  4. mrmustatza1
    02-05-2013 06:58
    Hi. We talked few weeks ago about the soundtrack mix you used on AC III. You said that you will send it to me once you have acces on your PC. Can you send me?
  5. mausschieber
    13-04-2013 12:22
    Hello REVO
    can you help me with this error http://fileforums.com/showpost.php?p...0&postcount=13

    I slowly despair yet it
    simply because I do not find the error
    Thank you in advance for your effort
    sorry for the bad english
  6. REV0
    28-03-2013 16:19
    Cevirilerdeki bizim ekledigimiz gibi ekle cozmesi zor olmaz data name disinda genelde cok degisken yok
  7. hikmetimmm
    28-03-2013 16:14
    mesela trials evulation gold edition innosetup yapmak istedim oldu fakat registry kaydıda eklemem gerekiyordu oyun çalışmadı
  8. silviugut
    25-01-2013 00:17
    I would like a little help, of course if you can!I want to make the conversion to Call of Duty Black Ops II but my game is only in English!Give me, please, a link where I download Languages ​​Pack with all languages ​​that are supported in the game!Of course, I don't have the game from Steam and can not download it form there!I tried searching on Google but have not found anything conclusive!!Thanks!!
  9. jackstuff
    27-12-2012 11:00
    Conversion of call of duty black ops 2 in CIU plz
  10. vasu001
    22-12-2012 02:11
    hey revo ithink u have posted wrong attachment here-http://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=93849

    the instruction says Move Support folder's content to DVD2/Support but support folder is in DVD3 of ur conversion.

    ALso, whats the difference between above and this one http://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=93842

    And if I change compression to lzma/ultra64 will its size gets reduce more?

    please clear all my doubts as soon as possible ...........

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  • Last Activity: 20-10-2014 01:47
  • Join Date: 07-11-2010


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