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RincewindTheWiz is on a distinguished road

RincewindTheWiz RincewindTheWiz is offline

Die Hard Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Mike Deamon
    19-03-2009 08:30
    Mike Deamon
  2. brandothemando
    20-08-2008 14:08
    Dear RincewindTheWiz,

    We would like to offer you a monetary sponsorship in exchange for your endorsement of our service. It would require minimal effort on your end.

    The sponsorship would be on behalf of a pc gaming startup called JACT. Here is a quick summary of who we are:

    “JACT provides a service that rewards PC gamers while they play their favorite games. Think of credit card points and airline miles but for gamers. Instead of flying or swiping your credit card, you earn rewards for playing games like World of Warcraft and The Sims 2. It's a service designed around what you already enjoy doing… gaming. Simply play your favorite PC games and accrue credits that can be exchanged for prizes in JACT's online Mall. Your credits accumulate every time you play, giving you the added incentive of Playing with Purpose.”

    If you have any questions or want more info, check us out at jact.com or contact me at [email protected]. We also do prize sponsorships and longer-term monetary support for select communities, so, if you like what you see, I would love to discuss additional avenues that would benefit both JACT and your community.

    Brandon Hedrick
    [email protected]

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  • Join Date: 12-07-2002

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