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Conversation Between Razor12911 and Compiler
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Compiler
    31-03-2013 08:15

    My script.plz help.
  2. Compiler
    30-03-2013 03:11
    What is the use of records.inf ?
  3. Compiler
    30-03-2013 03:10
    Ok,thanks,so data1 0 to 25,data2 from 25 to 40,data3 from 40 to 75,and the rest 100.Thanks again.
  4. Compiler
    30-03-2013 02:52
  5. Compiler
    30-03-2013 02:15
    I'm having trouble using ISDONE 0.6 Final.I made 8 *.bin files for a game.When I install those using ISDONE my percentage goes to 300+.So can I make ISDONE recognise them and get % to 100.
    I didn't even understand using records.inf .
  6. Compiler
    03-02-2013 07:12
    Mate I need the one with Xdelta too so can u give code posted in REVO's thread with freearc with 1GB ram utilisation like arc a -ep1 -r -w ? To above code add support for 1gb ram utilisation ?
  7. Compiler
    03-02-2013 06:43
    can you give code for best compression using srep+precomp+delta+arc ?

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